Step by Step in the Dark
We’re here together, witnessing this moment in the dark, united by pain and fear. Step by step, we discover this life and ourselves together.
We’re here together, witnessing this moment in the dark, united by pain and fear. Step by step, we discover this life and ourselves together.
If we truly desire to quell the terror of the world, we must first have the courage to meet our own fear with love and compassion.
In spiritual practice we aren’t learning how to turn off our emotions: that’s not real. Instead we’re learning the skills to be okay while we feel them.
We don’t set out to be assholes. We start out hoping to do something great, to leave our mark on the world … in an effort to be loved. And then we get lost.
Perhaps woven tightly with fear and insecurity is an opportunity to experience the only true security, that of self-love — and of being there for ourselves.