Extremist Labelers
If we truly desire to quell the terror of the world, we must first have the courage to meet our own fear with love and compassion.
My Perspective on Current Events
If we truly desire to quell the terror of the world, we must first have the courage to meet our own fear with love and compassion.
The path — whether it be in the Himalayas, the yellow brick road or Broadway and 74th — is the destination itself. And that’s real-life spirituality for ya!
This week we remember the indomitable spirit, contagious smile and unparalleled talent of my friend and client, Jenni Rivera, who died in a plane crash two years ago.
When we see something like this we always ask the question, “How did another human being do something so violent or cruel or criminal?”
Everywhere you go, let your rockstar heart shine and find a way to meet the world where they’re at, and share the greatness that lives in your heart.