It’s Okay …
On meditation retreat I’ve been reminded of the okayness of life. It’s okay … this life, the one we have … it may not be fair, or pretty, but it’s okay.
On meditation retreat I’ve been reminded of the okayness of life. It’s okay … this life, the one we have … it may not be fair, or pretty, but it’s okay.
It’s easy to think this isn’t how it’s supposed to be. And yet it is how it is … and therefore, must be also how it’s meant to be. How else could it be?
This is for those of us for whom Mother’s Day is bitter and sweet: the knowing that we’re not alone as we share Mother’s Day from afar.
Growth provokes mourning, but mourning also provokes growth … the growth of letting go and leaning into life and its lessons.
As we practice letting go and being okay – breathing, accepting, allowing – we find peace waiting gently, curled up at our feet, where it’s been all along.
Beyond all the goals, resolutions, and plans for the future, you — just as you are today — are worthy of love and acceptance.