New Shoes: On Growth and Mourning
Growth provokes mourning, but mourning also provokes growth … the growth of letting go and leaning into life and its lessons.
Growth provokes mourning, but mourning also provokes growth … the growth of letting go and leaning into life and its lessons.
I wonder if by constantly looking outward and finding things to fix we’ve become a society that doesn’t know how to look inside and love what we find.
So much of what we are taught about helping ourselves misses the truth that real self-help is learning to love ourselves.
On my journey, I’ve found only one rule, truly, only one worth obeying. And that is follow your JOY.
I recently participated in a group conversation about compassion. The discussion was focused on what compassion is, how we apply…
We are the miracle we have been waiting for. You and I, hand in hand, are the world’s only real security force —